
Delivering sustainable utilities and infrastructure for a growing Ireland

The construction industry plays a central role in delivering the substantial State-backed investment plans to address Ireland’s housing crisis, infrastructure requirements and climate change targets over the next two decades, to accommodate the extra one million people expected to be living in Ireland by 2040. A strong and competitive construction industry is vital to deliver a sustainable built environment to support Ireland‘s economic growth trajectory over the next decade and beyond. Our cities and communities need billions of investment in infrastructure under the National Development Plan and we need a plan-led approach to infrastructure, ensuring critical utilities, such as water, are built in advance, to support population growth.

The panel will explore: 

  • how can we develop utilities to support Ireland’s population and economic growth?
  • providing infrastructure to support balanced regional development  
  • the role of a clear project pipeline to enable construction companies to scale up
  • what strategies, plans and actions are needed?
  • expediting the delivery of sustainable infrastructure, whilst also decarbonising construction
  • what tech innovations and key trends are shaping a greener future for construction
Executive Director, BAM UK & Ireland
Chair of CIF ESG Panel, CIF Vice President, MD, Clonmel Enterprises Ltd.
Infrastructure Delivery Director, Uisce Éireann
Head of ESG, Construction Industry Federation (CIF)

Sponsorship Enquiry

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