Sarah Ingle

Registrar, Construction Industry Register Ireland (CIRI)

Sarah Ingle was appointed Registrar of the Construction Industry Register Ireland (CIRI) in January 2024. Sarah leads and manages the CIRI Office within the Construction Industry Federation (CIF), which is the Government appointed CIRI Registration Body. As Registrar, she is responsible for developing and maintaining the register and facilitating the work of the CIRI Admissions and Registration Board. Sarah is an engineer by training, with a degree in production engineering from DIT Bolton St, now TU Dublin. She also completed a masters in industrial engineering in UCD and a PhD in strategic management in DCU.  In 2018 Sarah was awarded a Fellowship of Engineers Ireland, FIEI, by Presidential invitation. Previous to the CIRI Registrar post, Sarah was the Secretary General of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland (ACEI) for eight years, and liaised with other associations in the built environment including the CIF, RIAI, SCSI, BMF and Engineers Ireland.  During her time in ACEI she was elected to the Board of Directors of the European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations (EFCA) and chaired the Irish Construction Industry Council (CIC). Sarah also held academic and senior management roles in Dublin City University during 2001 – 2015. Before her return to academia, she worked as a senior manufacturing engineer in three Irish based multi-national manufacturing firms. Sarah was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to undertake research in Arizona State University in 2007 and was subsequently elected President of the Irish Fulbright Alumni Association (IFAA). She was appointed to the Board of the Irish Fulbright Commission in 2015 by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and chaired it for two years. 

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